Здесь Вы найдете всё необходимое для плодотворного и интересного изучения английского языка. На сайте english-for-everybody.ru представлен огромный выбор учебников английского языка, которые можно скачать для ознакомления или купить. Материалы, представленные на сайте, будут полезны школьникам и студентам, родителям и преподавателям, путешественникам и бизнесменам, и просто всем, кто хочет самостоятельно изучать английский язык или повысить свой уровень.
These are articles written by Kagan's visionary leader. Articles feature Dr. Kagan's invention, Kagan Structures. Read Dr. Spencer Kagan's provocative and insightful articles on Kagan Structures and how they have the power to transform education. You'll also find Dr. Kagan's thoughts on cooperative learning, multiple intelligences, the brain, character development, Win-Win Discipline and more.
Language teaching can be a challenge, but it can also be one of the most rewarding activities you’ll ever engage in. Seeing a student’s enthusiasm grow along with their ability to communicate is a fantastic experience.
Watch Herbert Puchta demonstrate the use of chants to learn vocabulary with a class of young learners. The material is taken from Playway Second edition, a four-level English Language course for children. Find out more at www.cambridge.org/elt/playway
Günter Gerngross demonstrates a TPR sequence with a class of children using Playway Second edition. The children learn vocabulary using mimes, gestures and drawings on the board. Find out more about Playway at www.cambridge.org/elt/playway